Have a personal vision, Live your dream

Niroshan Madampitige
4 min readNov 12, 2018

You have begun a tough journey. You try to predict your moves but, it’s almost uncertain and you are not sure the moves you have taken are right. You face many obstacles, roadblocks. You are struggling to go through them. You are distracted now and yet trying to remember your end goal and get back on track. You are determined to reach your destination despite any challenges and obstacles. Yet, you need to be clear on your destination. You must know your strategy, reasons for staying until the end. If not, you wouldn’t have resilience to stay in your journey when it gets tougher– one major obstacle on your way can put your out of its path. Just like this journey, your life is a journey in which you want to achieve big dreams and goals in the end. You will surely face challenges, much difficult distractions. The only way to ensure you move on until the end is having a personal vision, being clear of what you want to be in your life. Do you have a vision, strategy around what you want to do in your life? Let me share you a game changing approach.

Why should I have a vision?

It provides Clarity to empower you

Army have a strategy to win its battle. A coach has a game plan to win, A company has a business strategy to guide its business. Why don’t you have a plan for your growth?

A clarified, compelling vision empowers you day in day out and pulls you for it. The vision gives you the inspiration and motivation you need to move forward even at the most challenging, tough times.

It is a strategic way to plan your life!

Having a big vision, we tend to do things that are not well aligned with what we want to achieve in our life. Mostly, we end up taking a tactical approach, doing things that wont take you to your destiny. A written vision is strategic because, you have considered all your aspirations and, priorities to form it.

A written vision will contain your life milestones and directions you want to move. What you do daily basis shall be aligned to these goals. What you do daily basis will have a direct mapping to your vision. Your vision allows you to “Think Big”, but, “Act Small” by doing a tiny step at a time.

Will Smith once said — “If you want to build a big wall, you don’t say, you are building a big wall — You are going to say, I am laying this brick as perfectly as a brick could be laid. Sooner, you are going to have a wall”. In order to achieve big goals in your life, you have focus on tiny, daily actions, yet, be clear on your big goals.

It helps you strike the right balance

A written vision will provide you visibility and clarity about your aspirations. When things go out of control, when you lose the focus, your vision helps you to get back on track, helps you focus on the important things to living your best life, helps you inspect and adapt the progress made.

It helps you to move on

We have big goals to achieve, but, we tend to give up our goals, and dreams, when they are not turning out the way we anticipated. We get frustrated, disappointed with the slightest obstacle and forget about our aspirations easily. Any one great now, has never become great without failures. In fact, their failures made them stronger, showed them the best way to reach their ambitions. Your written vision will be your reference point, the lighthouse that will keep you on your path — when you are distracted, disappointed about your goals and aspirations, look back at your vision, that will keep you focused on your journey.

How to create a personal vision?

I have made it so simple — just follow the template below to refine your vision.

In Summary, Write down your personal vision. Once you have written down your personal vision with specific details, it provides you the clarity about your life goals, aspirations. Once you hit tough times, your vision will remind you the reasons why you have to get back on your track.



Niroshan Madampitige

“Changing the world starts with you…” | Co-founder, Scrum Meetups in Colombo | Agile Coach @ Vetstoria | Speaker