Plan your day wisely

Niroshan Madampitige
2 min readNov 17, 2018

I looked into great personalities such as Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins and Will Smith and found that they all have a great personal vision. You agree that they are living their dreams. But, their success is not just because they have bigger dreams, because, they have optimized, effective daily practices aligned with their goals. As a coach helping organisations and teams to reach high performance, I looked into their daily schedules and found that they all have rituals and practices which are fully aligned with their bigger vision.

Now, let me help you figure out how you can make your daily routine effective. Start planning your day. Be optimistic, yet realistic. Let me tell you three practices that will change your game!

01 List down your priorities: This will help you to be clear on your daily goals. Try and align these with your weekly goals.

02 Prioritise your daily priorities: Clearly identify your priorities under following categories

Must Have: These are your survivors
Should Have: Should have this requirement if possible
Could Have: Nice to have priorities
Won’t Have: Won’t do today

03 Ask the following three questions yourself and move on: These three questions will help you adjust your daily plan.

A) What did I do yesterday?
B) What do I do today?
C) Do I have any blockers?

Good luck!



Niroshan Madampitige
Niroshan Madampitige

Written by Niroshan Madampitige

“Changing the world starts with you…” | Co-founder, Scrum Meetups in Colombo | Agile Coach @ Vetstoria | Speaker

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