Your Next Disappointment is Your Turning Point!

Niroshan Madampitige
4 min readMay 15, 2021

It was a tough day — I worked for a global company and I was a manager by then — It was announced that my development team will be made redundant sooner. There was no any indication as to when exactly this could happen —yet, one thing was certain, we all are going to lose our jobs.

This news created a big panicking situation among my team — I went through a lot of frustration as I was getting a good salary, having great benefits and indeed the company was great —we were so obsessed with our life style and what we got there — so, we weren’t ready to let it go!

I remember having this matter been discussed with my wife — we were so worried thinking of our future — we never knew it will be even better , if we could let it go— we never knew I am going to earn more money — we never knew this will open much wider doors for us — we never knew, it’s OK to let this go — we never knew sh*t happens for your betterment — we never knew every disappointment is an opportunity.

The reality is that organizations have strategic changes happening at times and this was one of those big changes although, this wasn’t an easy one for me and my team — Life is uncertain, the changes are inevitable — What can you do about the things that you don’t have control of? what is supposed to happen will always happen, will continue to happen — your circumstances keep occurring around you — my question was what do I do in that tough situation?

Here are my five lessons that I learnt in that situation!

Lesson number one — Don’t panic, embrace changes

Why most of us suffer in tough situations is not due to the fact the the given situation itself is tough — yet, we frame it as a tough situation — we conclude that this is a bad situation — instead, start re-framing your situation. Go through what you have to go through, yet, ask yourself — what is in it for me? How can I re-frame this situation? Can this be a turning point me? what are the alternatives out there? These questions will allow your rational part of brain to be activated — Your brain wants you to be safe — so naturally, it pushes your for emotional reactions just to ensure you act fast to come out of danger — this is where you get panic attacks — stop it — help your brain to re-frame the situation asking questions. This way, you allow your rational part of the brain start its job — never let yourself to be emotionally hi-jacked.

Lesson two — remember every disappointment as a wake up call — they happen for a reason

Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes next— Zig Ziglar

It’s important that you keep reminding yourself about the opportunities ahead — however, it’s not easy when you are going through a problem — It’s tough when your pay cheque doesn't hit your bank account — it’s tough when you face issues in your work place — it’s tough when you don’t have a job — it’s tough when you don’t get your promotions on time — yet, it’s important that you keep asking yourself, “what is in it for me?, when you are in a tough situation — Every tough situation, every challenge you go through every disappointment that comes your way, has a great opportunity in it.

Lesson three — Strategize: Know it’s a strategy game — you must keep working on your tactical tasks, doing your daily stuff — BUT, what let’s you grow is your strategy.

When you face a challenging situation, sit back, get out of your emotions — never let yourself to be emotionally hi-jacked — instead, come up with the strategy around your response and beyond — example, in above challenging situation, I decided to quite that company right away — I decided not to waste any time further — I crafted a strategy to develop myself and that has worked so far.

It doesn't matter how tough it is, ask yourself — What is in it for me? How can I make this a win-win? What is my strategy to grow?

Lesson Four — Invest your time energy on your Strategy and master the art of prioritization — Ensure your strategy is — The first thing first — what you pick up at any point of time must be the most important and most valuable priority. Defer everything else to a later time. I am sure, this will help you to figure out your next great milestone.

The last but not the least, what allows you to compete with the world and win your game is your ability to develop your momentum on your passions and your priorities—Consistency is key to success. 1999 world champion of public speaking, Craig Valentine said “Be too good so that people can’t ignore you” — It’s easily said than done — been great requires, your dedication, commitment and focus in what you do — you got to love what you do — you got to be obsessed with it until you have become a master of your niche — Once you are there, people, money will reach you!

If you are someone facing a challenging time, a major obstacle in your journey or going through a frustrating situation, remember this might be your opportunity to grow — this is your turning point!

May the force be with you!



Niroshan Madampitige

“Changing the world starts with you…” | Co-founder, Scrum Meetups in Colombo | Agile Coach @ Vetstoria | Speaker